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The blessed of Son Torrat

The blessed of Son Torrat

There was a not very religious woman who lived in the houses of Son Torrat. With her eyes directed towards the sky, she repeated from time to time the phrase: "Sinful body, mortify yourseeeeeeeeelf!" And hence when she was thirsty, instead of drinking water, she drank wine; when she had to have a snack, she put aside a piece of bread with oil and gobbled down three trays of “arròs brut”; when it was time to eat, she would decant the soups and gobble up a whole suckling pig; and for dinner, no fried egg: a good stew of balls! The blessed of Son Torrat, therefore, complied point by point with the precept of suffering everything when she could: "Sinful body, mortify yourseeeeeeelf!".

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